Sunday, March 10, 2013

Review: Elemental Shining by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Shining by Maddy Edwards

Book 3 in the Paranormal Public series

Publication date: December 6, 2012

Rating:3.5 stars



 sophomore year at Paranormal Public is anything but relaxing for Charlotte and her friends as they return from the summer break to face new challenges.

Battles come from every direction, and as the demons swarm Public it becomes clear that they want more than just the last elemental dead: they want to wipe out every paranormal, and they are within reach of a way of doing it.

Charlotte is the only thing that stands between the paranormals and destruction.

 What I liked:

First, I just want to say that I  really LOVE this series and the story. I enjoy reading about Charlette and all her friends (Especially Keller) and all of their adventures and I'm really disappointed I couldn't give this book a higher rating.

I love the characters in this book! They are so well developed and so awesome! I love Lisabelle and Sips constant bickering and sarcastic comments, they really help to brighten up the overall tone of the book. And Keller, well Keller's just awesome, lets leave it at that. 

This book was action packed and I loved that! 
Maddy Edwards scars you a couple times into thinking that there is going to be some sort of love triangle, but don't worry, there isn't! Keller and Charolette remain true to each other the entire book! :)

What I didn't Like: 

There are WAYYYY too many problems in this book. So many that you arn't entirely sure what the main conflict of the book is supposed to be! And a lot of the problems were completely UNnessasary (yes I'm aware that this word is spelled wrong. Deal with it.) Such as another girl after Keller, really? Did that need to be there? And Keller's family, mostly his aunt, trying to keep them from being together? REALLY unneeded.
This book was supposed to be about the Map of Silver, but I feel like it really wasn't. In fact, in the end, you really don't know much about the map of silver or it's safety.
This whole book just felt like it was stuffed with unrelative information and problems.   

Second off, I am SICK of hearing about the damn pixies. Seriously Maddy, just kill them all off or something, because I'm done reading about how Camilla has lost her mind or how disappointed Charolette is about Cale always listening to her. This is another unneeded problem.

I was really confused about the details in this book. It was really simple things like, one paragraph Charolette is standing up, and then in the next Keller and Sip are helping her up. What? 
There's a whole lot of telling and not enough showing. 
Keller keeps telling Charolette that he would be "lost without her" (no seriously, he says this like 50 times.) But, honestly I don't see it. In fact, you really don't see that much of Keller in this book. Like he present in a lot of the scenes, but, he never truly contributed to any conversations, he's supposed to be this badass paranormal, but he doesn't do much in they way of coming up with plans or helping Charolette. I hate to say it but, his character was pretty useless in this book, as though he was only there to look sexy and love Charolette and nothing else.
And finally, a lot of things were repeated or reexplained through out the book. Such as to what the Map of Silver does and what it could mean if it fell into the wrong hands. This was explained to Charolette at least 3 times in this book and every time she acted like it was something new. It wasn't.
This book was really confusing in a lot of ways, but most of the time you really have no idea what Edwards is trying to explain or reexplain, and there is some confusion about who one character is, because Charolette keeps calling him different names. 

Overall this book was just more build up to the final showdown that should be showing up any book now.

Would I Recommend This Book?

Yes, if you have read the first 2 books, read this one! It's still a really good book despite all of it's flaws. 

Rating: 3.5 stars


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